Dr Athira Ramakrishnan is a well-versed ENT Surgeon/Otorhinolaryngologist, with a dedicated experience of more than 15 years towards her profession and serving mankind. She has pursued her graduation from JIPMER and her master’s from PGIMER in 2006. Ear lobe repair is a simple, safe, minimally invasive reconstructive surgical procedure done to restore the appearance of ear lobes that have been torn or elongated due to trauma or piercing or pull by heavy earrings.
There are many causes of split earlobes and widened ear-piercing holes. Split earlobes are often caused by acute trauma, which may occur if earrings are pulled through the piercing hole, for example, if grabbed by a small child or by an enthusiastic dog greeting its owner. Even the repeated pulling of clothing on and off over the head while wearing earrings could inadvertently cause trauma to the ear lobe. Additionally, regularly wearing heavy earrings can lengthen the piercing hole and eventually cause it to pull through over time. People with thin earlobes are predisposed to this occurring. Split earlobes can even occur in people who don’t have their ears pierced. Sometimes clip-on earrings that are too tight can restrict blood flow to the earlobe, leading to necrosis, or death, of part of the earlobe, causing a split earlobe. There are also congenital causes of split earlobes.
Dr Ramakrishnan is also trained in speech & swallowing rehabilitation which is vital in head and cancer treatments irrespective of surgical and non-surgical mode of treatment. Her healthcare staff are well trained for EARLOBE REPAIR IN BANGALORE providing the best assistance to Dr Ramakrishnan with a humble and decent way of treating their patients
Our best healthcare team with the guidance of Dr Ramakrishnan deals with the various types or adequate resection of cancer, as well as she has also performed a number of EARLOBE REPAIR IN BANGALORE at a successful rate. For the past 10 years, she has been working as a consultant ENT, head & neck surgery with Fortis Hospital in Bangalore, also conducting Transoral Robotic Surgery.
The cost of earlobe repair in Bangalore:
The cost of earlobe repair in Dr. Athira ENT head & neck surgeon in Bangalore ranges from Rs. 6000 to Rs. 8000. The actual cost will depend on the extent of the damage to the earlobe, the type of surgery required, and the surgeon’s fees.